About the Business
Roofing felt is the layer of asphalt saturated paper that goes underneath roofing shingles in order to ensure that no water leaks into your home. Waterproofing your home with roofing felt is absolutely essential if you use asphalt, wood, or shingles as your primary roofing material.
This material comes in rolls which can be cut to whatever length is needed. In order to properly handle roofing felt, you'll need to know a couple of critical factors, including what roofing felt is, how to maintain and repair the material, and what to look for during installation. This article will attempt to cover the basics of this wonderful material so that you can know the fundamentals. This may greatly assist you in your efforts to keep your home well maintained.
Slates are usually more time consuming to fix than tiles because every individual slate has to be aligned and fixed into place with two nails; there are no nibs on the back to locate them on the wooden battens.
The supplier of the slates should recommend the spacing up the roof between the battens (known as the 'gauge'), this usually varies according to the size of the slates, the pitch of the roof and the degree of exposure. The 'gauge' is in fact the same as the 'margin', which is the length of the slate exposed.
Location & Hours

153 Sherwood Park Rd